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  1. National Pork Board 2017 Internships

    a market checkoff collection on sales of market swine in the United States. They are charged with ...

  2. Ukrainian Outreach: Soil, Water and Bioenergy Program Establishes Long-Term Climate-Smart Agriculture Experiments to Help Farmers, Educators in Ukraine

    climatic and economic data will be collected and analyzed to deliver the project outcomes and outputs. ...

  3. Learning Gardens

    collection of plants for education, research, and enjoyment for all who visit. The variety of plant material ... Ericaceous Plant Collection (raised beds at entry steps to Howlett Hall) Howlett Hall Entry Garden – Seasonal ...

  4. Wine Grapes

    CFAES Publications Office at Search for bulletin #919. What is the proper spacing ...

  5. FIC Member Herbert Ockerman Receives Third Honorary Degree

    collecting books and donating them to school and university libraries around the world. That tradition became ...

  6. Letter from the Director

    spring and summer months of 2015. As a consequence of the faculty searches there have been five new ... each search, we were able to attract the preferred candidate to join Ohio State ATI. I am most pleased ... a national search for a new Director at Ohio State ATI. As many of you know, I have served in the role of ...

  7. Citation Help

    Alex. "Avatar Review." Entertaining 28.1 (2008): 12-13. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 ... "John Deere." Farming 28.4 (2008): 12-13. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Sept. 2010. ...

  8. Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 (ABC-2) Achievements and Impacts 2017

    collected using Wufoo ( i) 27 new farmer students from ABC Intensive class graduated. j) 200+ ...

  9. OARDC's Crabapple Blossoms are Peaking

    Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster — considered the largest collection of such trees in the U.S. — are ...

  10. New Hop Research Funding Received to Further Develop the Ohio Hop Industry

    acids, in 60 seconds using the latest in infrared technology – compared to three days to collect, mail, ...
