
Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    program in which produce is delivered to their home or to a local collection point. The funds the farm ...

  2. Faculty Spotlight: Lee & LeVan

    manure management as well. The team collects manure from ruminant animals to examine gas emissions to ...

  3. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Monthly Newsletter

    installing plant labels for our extensive collections—both woody and herbaceous! This is a monumental task. ...

  4. Community Development

    is a collective term for both metro and micro areas (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013, ...

  5. Aquaculture and Horticulture Programs Conduct First Ohio Aquaponics Research

    the fish tank, through the biofilter and rafts, and was collected in a sump where a small pump ... one float bed being harvested every two to three weeks. Data will continue to be collected from the ...

  6. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    directly related to Ohio growing conditions that will develop these Ohio industries. Data collected from ...

  7. Olentangy Corridor Gardens

    click Plant Search Database and simply enter the botanical name (genus only will work) of any tree on ... find it by searching the web using the tree's common name. We are in the process of adding QR ...

  8. Recapping the Best of the Aquaculture Boot Camp Program in 2014

    results and the findings of the data collected from the classes of 2013 and 2014 will be published in ...

  9. Is the Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC)Program Over?

    camp program has been a good source of collecting and assessing the needs of the fish farmers. As ...

  10. Growing Barley and Hops For Local Beer-making

    conditions. Data collected from the field research trials allows us to educate growers about production, pest ...
