
Search results

  1. Letter from the Director

    a result these searches are completed due to the efforts of many of our faculty and staff who contributed ... to these two successful searches. The interviews have been completed for the renewable energy ... the two candidates selected by the search committee for the Turfgrass Management faculty position have ...

  2. Secrest Arboretum’s Fall Plant Sale Is Saturday

    contorted filbert, or hazelnut tree. “Three of those don’t even exist in (the arboretum’s) collections yet,” ...

  3. Family Fundamentals: Learn the ABCs of IRAs before investing

    right for you. You can learn more by searching for “IRAs” at, a resource that provides ...

  4. Chow Line: Do homework before eating out

    website and see if it has nutrition information listed for its menu items. If not, do a Web search ...

  5. Chow Line: Find what terms on meat labels mean

    Searching the USDA website (, you’ll find the following definitions for claims used on meat and ...

  6. Chow Line: Ham probably cooked, but read the label and search for “Ham and Food Safety.” Chow Line is a service of the College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  7. Centennial Cookbook Available Online!

    enjoy this collection of favorite recipes as we continue celebrating 100 years of extending knowledge ...

  8. Chow Line: Do not (I repeat) do not rinse the turkey

    been the recommendation for years, in fact. Unfortunately, if you search the Internet, you may find ...

  9. Chow Line: Use Nutrition Month to get back on track

    you’re bound to find new ways to get back on track. You can take the bull by the horns and search out ...

  10. Library Instruction

    staff member will be happy to provide individual assistance with searching and finding information. No ...
