
Search results

  1. Soybean Rust Risk in Ohio Low

    collecting leaves and looking under the microscope every week to verify that rust has not been found," ...

  2. Researchers Domesticating Amazonian Fish for Conservation

    endangered because of the nature of their collection from the wild. The males, which carry the babies in ... their mouth, are the ones that are targeted. The young are collected and the adult fish is either eaten ...

  3. $320,000 Tractor Donated; Another on the Way

    in the fall, students will be able to use the tractors to practice collecting GPS and machine ...

  4. Near-record Warm Winter Increases Insect and Pest Threat for Crop Growers This Spring

    collected throughout the Midwest. So, when corn is planted and starts to emerge, cutworms might already be ...

  5. EEDS Program Graduate: How I Launched My Sustainability Career

    sustainability reports, whether writing report components or collecting data for the reports. A third aspect of ...

  6. Ohio MarketMaker Program Recognized

    Environmental Sciences." MarketMaker boasts one of the most extensive collections of searchable food ...

  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Pacific Trash Vortex (for the Week of Oct. 28, 2007)

    huge region where the currents spin clockwise. The trash collects in the gyre's calm center. Why ...

  8. Precision Agriculture Not Just for Conventional Farming

    a farm with the help of GPS. If the variability is too much, then a farmer can search for the cause, like ...

  9. Geospatial Technology Part of National Extension Conference

    learning techniques for data collection. The workshops are part of a program designed to provide geospatial ...

  10. Soybean Aphid Arrival to Ohio Early

    collections done on overwintering buckthorn across the Midwest revealed significant populations and eggs. We ...
