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  1. Sustainability Policy Candidate Hamilton Research Seminar

    participating in forums that sponsor decision-making at the higher collective choice level rather than lower ...

  2. Alayna C. Dorobek's Graduate Defense Seminar

    no differences in these metrics in the subsequent years of the study. Collectively, my results ...

  3. Thousand Canker Disease Training

    walnut trees of Ohio, what TCD is, how to collect and submit samples for testing and what regulations are ...

  4. Evangelical Presbyterian University College, Ghana- Parent-child agriculture technology transfer

    Professor in English and Agricultural Communication, will travel with our group to engage them in collecting ...

  5. Lake States Fire Science Consortium's Burning Issues Symposium

    support working toward solutions to issues that complicate our collective wildland fire work. ...

  6. SENR Professor Directs Collaborative Project Focused on Restoring Fragile Landscapes on the Sahel

    field soil sampling campaigns, hydrological data collection, and soil microbiology lab work.   The NSF ...

  7. Associations between Riffles and Aquatic Biota following Lowhead Dam Removal: Implications for River Fish Conservation

    intervals from June 2014 thru June 2015. Collectively, our results indicate that the development of riffle ...

  8. Stepping Into the Field: Bridging the Gap between Researchers and Local Farmers in Tanzania

    Salaam in search of officials who could approve an exemption to the export ban for the soil. Researching ...

  9. Undergraduates attend national Net Impact Conference

    I was able to attend a Career Search Bootcamp, have my resume reviewed one-on-one by the founder of ...

  10. The Relationship between Turbidity and Carotenoid-based Coloration of Centrarchid Fishes in Urban Streams

    streams. I collected >200 fish from low and high turbidity sites on each of the Olentangy (n=2) and ...
