
Search results

  1. College Dives Deep Into Issues of Water

    that "the college has the collective expertise needed to be answering questions that are important ...

  2. Fire and Mechanical Treatments for Kirtland’s Warbler Habitat Management in Northern Lower Michigan

    regarding data collection on snags. This experience provided us some hands-on experience with conducting ... hands-on field techniques for collecting forest data. For instance, by seeing the differences between ...

  3. Contribute to an OSU Ag Safety and Health Fund, and click the red “give now” tab. Then, search for “Ohio AgrAbility.” For more information ...

  4. Student-Professional Networking Reception

    Watercraft Specialist, Law Enforcement/Search and Rescue Coordinator, and the Law Enforcement Administrator ... – ODNR, OSU Graduate Eric Reed, Law Enforcement Search and Rescue Coordinator – Division of Watercraft, ...

  5. In search of the 2014-15 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen…

    By: Kristin Reese, Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen Coordinator The search is once again on! Help us round ...

  6. TWEL Kelly Atchison Thesis

    in rural forests. If found, these behaviors would collectively suggest better food resources in urban ... year during December-February 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. Behavioral data were collected at 6 sites in ... 2002, while data were collected at 30 sites in 2003. Proportions of time spent foraging, flocking, and ...

  7. Licking County Soil & Water Stream Team Training

    to adopt a stream site for continued monitoring.  All collected data is submitted to Licking Soil ...

  8. Licking County Soil & Water Stream Team Training

    to adopt a stream site for continued monitoring.  All collected data is submitted to Licking Soil ...

  9. SENR Seminar Series

    amount of holding space for captive collections of amphibians in Panama by building a new ex-situ ... captive collection over the longer term.  Finally, we built public support in Panama for amphibian ...

  10. Emile Gluck Thaler

    Service Plant Pathology Graduate Student Representative, Discovery Theme Faculty Search Committee, Plant ...
