
Search results

  1. Geospatial Technology Part of National Extension Conference

    learning techniques for data collection. The workshops are part of a program designed to provide geospatial ...

  2. Precision Agriculture Not Just for Conventional Farming

    a farm with the help of GPS. If the variability is too much, then a farmer can search for the cause, like ...

  3. Soybean Aphid Arrival to Ohio Early

    collections done on overwintering buckthorn across the Midwest revealed significant populations and eggs. We ...

  4. Market Expectations Overshoot Projected Crop Plantings

    states, however, that collectively intend to plant 66.3 million acres, up slightly from the 66.1 million ...

  5. New Research from Alessandra Faggian Examines How Students Who Study in Creative Disciplines Fare in the Labor Market

    data collected by the Higher Education Statistical Agency in the United Kingdom to look at students who ...

  6. Pork Producers Invited to AI School

    gestation area of pork producing operation, the day will consist of demonstrations on collecting boar semen, ...

  7. Hardy by Their Nature: OARDC Heirloom Roses Survive Tornado

    years ago. It’s one of the largest collections like it in the United States. Gardeners prize ...

  8. Government Shutdown Aside, Sequester Cuts Potentially Devastating

    least as far as federal statistical data collection goes, would be for members of Congress to realize ...

  9. Ohio State Researchers Conduct First Genetic Study of Bedbugs, Find Possible Pesticide-Resistance Genes

    and pesticide-exposed bedbugs collected from a Columbus, Ohio, apartment in 2009 and 2010 This analysis led to the ...

  10. Secrest Arboretum Head Named Honorary Member of Garden Club of America

    including a prairie garden, butterfly garden, unique collections garden, interlude garden and water gardens. ...
