
Search results

  1. CFAES to recruit 5 research faculty focused on race and equity issues

    2023. Searches are also underway for the RAISE research positions approved earlier this academic year, ...

  2. The Ohio State University chosen as research home for Starlab’s George Washington Carver Science Park Terrestrial Laboratory

    focuses on modeling microbial growth in dust collected from the International Space Station to gain ...

  3. EPN Breakfast- September 13, 2022: Advancing environmental justice in extreme heat and adapting through collaborative networks

    accepting up to 80 participants to RSVP for this data-collection driven workshop, with a provided catered ...

  4. Support local farmers during National Farmers Market Week

    collection and use by farmers markets. The OSU South Centers Direct Food and Agricultural Marketing Team is ...

  5. From the Field

    un-heated high-tunnel, a plastic cover metal structure that helps collect and maintain heat units.  Peak ... can still be viewed on YouTube by searching “Small Fruit Specialty Crops Update.”   Presentations on ...

  6. Inclusive Excellence in Hiring Webinar

    individuals serving on faculty search committees complete this program every 2 years. This program is free and ...

  7. In memory of Duane Rigsby

    South Centers, especially keeping up with former staff members. He had collected a treasure trove of ...

  8. (Mis)understanding Critical Race Theory and the Need to Confront Hard History

    Rights Movement, a collection of essays by leading civil rights scholars and teachers that explores how ...

  9. Machine learning helps determine health of soybean fields

    Foundation. After manually sifting through the collected images, researchers found that about 67,000 of them ...

  10. Everybody’s got a story, what’s yours?

    Nothing will be collected. You may choose to write on paper or on a computer.   This workshop will be ...
