
Search results

  1. Pipeline Study & Specialty Crop Growers

    the 2-year study. The farmers will be given full access to all the data collected on their land and ...

  2. Corn Silage Moisture Testing Clinics

    recommendations the following morning any time after 8:00 am. There will be a $15 charge per sample. Collect 5 to ... rows. Collect separate samples from areas that may have different dry down rates, such as swales, ... collecting your sample plants.                 The dates and schedule for the clinics is as follows: ...

  3. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 1-2 pm

    will also demonstrate how to search for fellowships and other sponsored programs through this hands-on ...

  4. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 10-11 am

    will also demonstrate how to search for fellowships and other sponsored programs through this hands-on ...

  5. COVID Silver Linings in 4-H

    of collecting information also instantly transmits an e-mail confirmation to the person completing ...

  6. Dicamba Trainings Update (search Licking Co. to find these testing dates:  It will say “dicamba ag exam only”) or call ODA ...

  7. It’s All About Perspective

    cattle that had also brought much joy through the years.  When my search ended, empty handed, I returned ... The next morning, Dad and I walked the fence line, searching for the spot where they made their great ...

  8. Fun and Easy Activities for Spring and Summer

    drawing with chalk outside on the sidewalk. Go on a nature walk. Collect things as you find them, like ... Make a weather calendar to help kids see that no two days are exactly alike. Go on a rock hunt. Collect ...

  9. Sprayer Preparation and Calibration

    a method based on spraying 1/128 of an acre per nozzle and collecting the spray volume released during the ... Accuracy depends upon making sure that the time measured to collect the spray from the nozzles is the same ... individual outputs and then dividing by the number of nozzles tested. If an individual sample collected is ...

  10. Reliable Health and Nutrition Information Online

    activity. Two issues you might find yourself facing when searching for ways to start or continue your ... search for wellness, we look to the internet for this health information, so how do we know what to ...
