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  1. Topics

    section. The gray search box on the right also offers a way to find information on specific topics.  Corn ...

  2. Please Participate! Using Data-Driven Knowledge For Profitable Soybean Management Systems

    agronomists are developing an app to help you make decisions in real time. The more data we collect, the more ...

  3. Sampling Corn Grain for Vomitoxin

    Administration (GIPSA). To collect a representative grain sample, 5-10 samples should be randomly collected from ...

  4. Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

    Table 6-8: Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw Collected from Field Trials Located in Wooster, Ohio During the ...

  5. Waterhemp on The Rise

    herbicides for several years. Results of the screen of populations collected in 2022 are summarized below. ...

  6. Time to stock up on nozzles now! But do you know which one to buy?

    phone or tablet and do a search under “Spray Nozzle Calculator”, or some other key words related to ... nozzle size selection. You may also want to do a search under the name of the nozzle company from which ...

  7. Fall is the Best Time to Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN)

    properly collected. The presence of SCN in a field, but most importantly, the SCN numbers will determine ... planning to collect samples for soil fertility, a subsample can be used for SCN testing! After harvest, ... and where to send these samples, please visit our article:  ‘Collect Fall Soil Samples for SCN.’ ...

  8. Drones for Spraying Pesticides

    data collection to increase profitability in crop production. Drones successfully and effectively ... monitor plant growth by collecting and delivering real-time data from the moment of plant emergence to ...

  9. Can We Get More Information From Our Soil Samples?

    by checking a box on the lab input form. Sample collection costs may be minimal if we need a separate ... sample for a specific analysis. For example, depending on how we collect the nutrient soil sample, we ... often collect more soil than what will fit in the lab bag. Rather than tossing the excess soil back in ...

  10. Farm Pesticide Disposal in Greene County

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be sponsoring collection events for farmers wishing to ... dispose of unwanted pesticides. This year, the collections are happening in Erie, Greene and Van Wert ... Xenia OH 45385 The pesticide collection and disposal services are free of charge, but  only farm ...
