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  1. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: A July 15th Projection

    stage) between July 13 and July 19. We again collected temperature and RH data from CFAES weather ... area. Based on weather data collected from CFAES weather stations located in Ashtabula (LAT: 41.8846, ... As more data are collected, models will be developed to predict the risk of higher levels of ...

  2. Pesticide Container Recycling Collection- Clinton County

    pesticide collection ...

  3. Drainage Technology and Water Management Field Day at Ohio State Lima

    5 million gallon-capacity water retention pond that will collect runoff and drainage water from about 40 ... improve outcomes both on individual farms and collectively. Adequate drainage is a necessary step in the ...

  4. Interdisciplinary team to improve predictive wildland fire models with novel sensing

    evidence from data collected from field tests (prescribed burns) and lab experiments. “ With the use of AI ...

  5. Forms

    notified. No further action on your part is required to collect signatures. You will receive a notification ...

  6. Home

    managing these actions. We all contribute to our community and our collective experience. If you are ...

  7. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: July 8 Projection

    least 1 ppm DON, meaning that based on data collected so far, the models are correct about 8 out of 10 ... over a few miles or with changes in elevation. Based on weather data collected from the Piketon (Pike ...

  8. Drainage Technology and Water Management Field Day at Ohio State Lima

    retention pond that will collect runoff and drainage water from about 40 acres. The stored water can be used ... collectively. Adequate drainage is a necessary step in the transformation of the farmland towards a regenerative ...

  9. Early Reports of Tar Spot in Indiana and Michigan – What to Scout for

    Clinic ( Leaf samples should be placed in a zip-seal bag as soon as it is collected and ...

  10. Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee

    Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Non-native Fish Collected by Ohio EPA 1978- ...
