
Search results

  1. Taking a Time Out

    emotions in writing using words that allow them to really search for the right description.  Others, may ...

  2. Laundry Tips and Myths

    longer. Find a comprehensive guide for these symbols by doing a quick web search, or locate a downloadable ...

  3. Manure Sampling for Nutrient Analysis

    a nutrient analysis; determining when to sample and then collecting a representative sample.  Ideally, ... collecting a representative sample to send to the lab.  The small sample sent in to the lab must accurately ... order to accurately represent the quantity of manure being applied it may be necessary to collect ...

  4. Compassion Fatigue

    to be and embracing who we are.  It is a collection of choices that we have to make every day to show ...

  5. Spring Forage Outlook

    for alfalfa weevils by collecting a series of 10 stem samples from various locations.  Place the stems ... tip down in a bucket. After you have collected 10 stems, shake the stems vigorously into the bucket ...

  6. Soil Sampling

    to get out into fields and pastures and collect soil samples.  The advantages of sampling at this ... applications.  By far the greatest issue with soil testing is collecting a representative sample to send in to ... a probe.  The Wayne County Extension office has soil probes that can be borrowed to collect soil samples.  ...

  7. Unwanted Farm Pesticides Collection

    Each year The Ohio Department of Agriculture sponsors the collection of unwanted agricultural ... awhile before the collection is back here.  This year there are two collection points within a couple of ... collection is only for farm-related chemicals so household or non-farm pesticides will not be accepted. The ...

  8. CES Community Service

    well as canned goods, formula and special gifts for Dillon were collected at the Support Staff ... Extension conducted a service project, coordinated by CES. A large collection of items, including Buckeye ... memorabilia, were collected during the CFAES Support Staff Conference and at the 2008 OSU Extension Annual ...

  9. New and Niche Businesses

    started investigating the possibilities.   Start by considering and searching for what licenses and ...

  10. Expressing Gratitude This Holiday Season

    Research indicates that being grateful includes a time of solitude, to meditate or pray.  Search deep ...
