
Search results

  1. Communiqué April 13, 2012

    Friday, June 29, 10:30 am-1:30 pm. CFAES Dean Search The new Dean/VP of CFAES search committee requests ... a candidate is selected. The official website describing the search for the new Dean/VP of CFAES is now up and ... running: IT Help Desk-Rob Luikart, chief infromation officer, CFAES ...

  2. Scientists Find Chemical that Causes 'Kidney' Failure in Mosquitoes

    now in search of similar chemicals that will show a high potency for perturbing potassium channels ...

  3. How Entomologists Use Insect Collections


  4. Dr. Chanhee Lee uses Animal Science to Lessen Farming Environmental Impacts

    manure management as well. The team collects manure from ruminant animals to examine gas emissions to ...

  5. Summer Experience in Equine Management

    proficient at stallion handling, semen collection, and processing as well as broodmare management. Students ...

  6. Communiqué March 13, 2013

    Director for ANR- Search Committee Request CarmenConnect Upcoming CFAES Diversity Events Advanced Strengths ... Search Committee Request As many of you are aware, a search committee has been formed to identify and screen ... search committee includes the following members: Glen Arnold- field specialist, Manure Nutrient ...

  7. Ohio Maple Days – Geauga County

    New food safety laws, sap collection systems, syrup grading systems and more will be featured at ...

  8. Ohio Maple Days – Wayne County

    New food safety laws, sap collection systems, syrup grading systems and more will be featured at ...

  9. Ohio Maple Days – Morrow County

    New food safety laws, sap collection systems, syrup grading systems and more will be featured at ...

  10. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    America and Mexico as a food safety team member to collect and process samples for E. coli and Salmonella ...
