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  1. Got waterhemp? – Find Out the Herbicide Resistance Characteristics Now

    you collect five new leaves that have developed following an herbicide application, and send them to ...

  2. Wheel Traffic Effect on Alfalfa Yield – Soil Compaction or Crown/Shoot Damage?

    with as little driving as possible b.      If bales are dropped and collected – can this be done with ...

  3. Scabby wheat grain? Increasing your Fan Speed May Help

    collect and thresh multiple heads (two to three handfuls) from multiple locations across your field and ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-31

    collecting your soil sample to ensure the information you get is as accurate as possible. 1) Collect 15 to 20 ... 2) Collect soil samples to a depth of 8 inches. Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations are based on ... soil samples collected to a depth of 8 inches. If sampling no-till fields, 4 inch samples should also ...

  5. The Marks of a "Real" Ohio Dairy Producer,

    industries, the ODP would be severely handicapped. Without a collective voice, the well being of all Ohio ...

  6. Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics

    a large set of manure excretion and manure nutrient excretion data collected from lactating cows (see ...

  7. Twin Row Corn Silage Research Plot Results

    collected and analyzed for dry matter (DM) content, NDF, and CP concentrations by The Ohio State University, ...

  8. Spring Applications of Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer to Cool Season Grasses

    utilized. Soil testing should be conducted the same way as we recommend for row crop production. Collect 15 ...

  9. Faculty Spotlight: Lee & LeVan

    manure management as well. The team collects manure from ruminant animals to examine gas emissions to ...

  10. Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm

    cutworm, it fails to provide observable benefit to producers. We have collectively fielded dozens of phone ...
