
Search results

  1. Direct Marketing, partners collab to improve farmers market sustainability

    According to USDA’s National Agricultural Library, when searching for the definition of sustainable, ...

  2. Gao welcomes two new members to fruit research & extension team

    Gao while searching for raspberry research and extension programs in the United States.  He has also ...

  3. 2019 CFAES Annual Research Conference

    collecting feedback Whether you attended the conference this year or not, we ask that you complete this short ...

  4. Voices for Food program looking to expand into more counties

    address health and food insecurity. “The success of this project depends on the collective impact of the ...

  5. Keys to Research Success: Keeping Your Data Organized

    Keys to Research Success:  Keeping Your Data Organized Tired of searching for lost files?  Worried ...

  6. Sponsor Forms

    are looking for below to see a collection of the common forms that are required with proposal ...

  7. Limited Submission Opportunites

    opportunities Web tool for searching for limited submission opportunities   ...

  8. Sustainable Management of Food Waste Composting for Nutrient Recycling

    on improving the collection, characterization, and processing of agricultural and industrial organic ... byproducts. Specific topics include collection, mixing and processing of food wastes, microbial communities in ...

  9. Updates on Fruit Research Projects and Extension Programs at South Centers

    Zhou, and Jiangbo Fan have made trips to Indiana and/or Missouri to collect sparkleberry (Vaccinium ... the woods to collect wild specimens; both Ryan and Lijing found out what its like when they went to ...

  10. Don't Hurry Into Hemp

    County) to design, plant, maintain, and manage data collection and analysis on the pair of cannabidiol (or ...
