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  1. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Updates

    Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life (search for title in BuckeyeLearn – must have valid Ohio State ...

  2. Don't forget to complete SEIs!

    the SEI is to provide a standardized survey instrument for the collection of student feedback on the ...

  3. 4-H Project Books Payment Info

    office asks this question for club payments, then the tax could be collected by OSU and paid to the ... state, instead of the club collecting sales tax and remitting to the State of Ohio. Extension Offices ...

  4. Add Career Data in Workday by Dec. 5

    Staff Career Data Project. The goal for this project is to collect staff education and past work experience in Workday. We ...

  5. CFAES Principles of Community

    collective experience. You are encouraged to download and post the principles, discuss them during meetings, ...

  6. Rafael Domingues, DVM, PhD

    recently moved to Ohio with his dog Porter and his houseplant collection. His hobbies include playing ...

  7. Ways to Give

    collections, works of art, and other materials that the college would otherwise need to purchase. Through ...

  8. Internships

    internship search strategies, including resumes, interview skills, and salary negotiations, can be found at ...

  9. About Us

    Sciences is in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), one of a collection ...

  10. Annual Stinner Summit – Nov. 13

    crafted and funded through the Stinner Endowment Fund. This year we hope to develop a collective project ...
