
Search results

  1. Making Maple Syrup

    instructors, and others are collecting sap from a variety of maple trees in a working sugarbush and making ... timber and collect sap, but for a woodland owner who doesn’t want to harvest timber at all, but could ... still use some extra income from the woods, sap collection and maple syrup can be just the ticket – or ...

  2. Chrysalis Undergraduate Student Association

    joined the Entomology 4001 class for collecting trips. The trips allowed members to gain first-hand ... experience on collecting methods, and to socialize within the club population. On Sept. 16 and 17, another ... collecting trip was held at Deep Woods. The trip was much longer than our day time trips, allowing members to ...

  3. Publications, Extension Products, and Courses

    Siperstein, A., Wolkoff, M. Establishing a Culex Colony from Field-Collected Eggs. Cold Spring Harbor ... Special Collection on Smart and Connected Regional Food Systems. Sustainability, 15, 2023. Wolkoff, M., ...

  4. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will ...

  5. 4-H Provides Life and Leadership Skills

    Doing" Strategies. The  Ohio 4-H Family Guide  outlines the entire collection of Ohio 4-H projects for ...

  6. 2021 Annual Summary

    Everywhere, Katie Feldhues (Wells) and Lexi Heger Insect Collecting Guide, Katherine Turo, Graduate Fellow, ... Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers, Erdal Ozkan Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and ...

  7. Ag in the Classroom

    school garden enthusiasts. We are a collective group of garden educators, community members, and ...

  8. Introductory Insect Field Biology

    diversity; collection is required. Offered as one week summer course at Stone Lab. Prereq: Course in high ...

  9. Workshop: Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will ...

  10. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will ...
