
Search results

  1. Yamikani M. Ngona

    the European Corn Borer (ECB) in Canada Lab Research:  Examining DNA of ECB samples collected from ...

  2. Jeni Filbrun

    curated collection of live insects and other arthropods for the purpose of education and outreach.  Newly ... contributions Arthropods have made on the health of the planet. By maintaining a collection of live animals that ...

  3. Chrysalis Undergraduate Student Association

    entomology-related shows and movies. In February, we visited the Triplehorn Collection as well as the Acarology ... Collection. We also went to the Franklin Conservatory on April 2 and went to the Adams Lab on April 11 for ... for a weekend day-collecting trip to wrap up the academic year! To join Chrysalis, contact CFAES ...

  4. Other Outreach Activities

    you can get a behind-the-scenes view of our world-class collections (insects, mites, plants, fishes, ...

  5. To Close Spend Authorizations

    in workday Search for: MY Spend Authorizations In the table that should open up, click the … (3 dots) ...

  6. CIMA Volunteer Liability Insurance

    nothing needed from our county offices as part of this process. We used to collect numbers from the ... counties when counties were responsible for half of the cost. We collect this information directly from the ...

  7. Assistant Director, Community Development Seminar Recording and Feedback Request

    will be collected through Wednesday, May 31. Thank you for your attention, time, and feedback to this ...

  8. Undergraduate

    club, Chrysalis, attracts students from across the university for collecting trips, lessons on ...

  9. Knowledge Exchange Launches eBarns Searchable Database

    poultry, forages, farm business, and manure nutrients. Users can search by title, author, county, ...

  10. Luis Martinez Villegas

    Guatemala. It was very meaningful as it was related to the civil war and bringing closure to people searching ...
