
Search results

  1. QUOTES in Marketplace

    notify you with a Quote Number. If not provided that Quote number then search with your email address. ... to search for the Quote. The vendor needs to have provided that Quote in the system for you to find ...

  2. Lyda G. Garcia

    traveled to Central America and Mexico as a food safety team member to collect and process samples for E. ...

  3. Ohio Food Bank Association benefits from partnership with OSU – Meat Science Extension research project led by Dr. Lyda G Garcia

    processing and collecting data was Dr. Benjamin Bohrer- Assistant Professor, Ethan Sheffler- Meat Laboratory ...

  4. Thoughts from the Director

    Ohioans. I encourage you to keep up your individual and collective efforts to engage Ohioans in addressing ...

  5. CIMA Volunteer Liability Insurance

    nothing needed from our county offices as part of this process. We used to collect numbers from the ... counties when counties were responsible for half of the cost. We collect this information directly from the ...

  6. To Close Spend Authorizations

    in workday Search for: MY Spend Authorizations In the table that should open up, click the … (3 dots) ...

  7. Knowledge Exchange Launches eBarns Searchable Database

    poultry, forages, farm business, and manure nutrients. Users can search by title, author, county, ...

  8. Assistant Director, Community Development Seminar Recording and Feedback Request

    will be collected through Wednesday, May 31. Thank you for your attention, time, and feedback to this ...

  9. Knowledge Exchange Knowledge Explorer now Available

    Bureau, National Agricultural Statistics Service, and other organizations. Easily search data by category, ...

  10. Menuka Bhandari awarded IDI Trainee travel award from the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI)

    of different Salmonella isolates collected from small specialty crop farms around Northeast Ohio, ...
