
Search results

  1. Battle for the Belt: Episode 12

    shares about remote sensing drone data being collected, which would complement ground-truth physical ...

  2. Alfalfa Weevil – Add it to Your Radar Screen

    weevils in alfalfa: Scout for alfalfa weevils by collecting a series of 10 ... stem samples from various locations.  Place the stems tip down in a bucket. After you’ve collected 10 ...

  3. Enhanced Soil Carbon Farming as a Climate Solution: Pastures and Hayfields in Ohio

    rates, manure application, crop rotation) and allow the research team to perform soil sampling collection ...

  4. Topics

    section. The gray search box on the right also offers a way to find information on specific topics.  Corn ...

  5. Spring Pop-Up Closet

    invited to browse the collection of professional clothing to help them prepare for the upcoming Spring ...

  6. Housing reminder for students transitioning to Columbus

    plan to live off campus it is helpful to begin now and if you need help with how to search for ...

  7. 4-H Provides Life and Leadership Skills

    Doing" Strategies. The  Ohio 4-H Family Guide  outlines the entire collection of Ohio 4-H projects for ...

  8. Please Participate! Using Data-Driven Knowledge For Profitable Soybean Management Systems

    agronomists are developing an app to help you make decisions in real time. The more data we collect, the more ...

  9. 2021 Annual Summary

    Everywhere, Katie Feldhues (Wells) and Lexi Heger Insect Collecting Guide, Katherine Turo, Graduate Fellow, ... Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers, Erdal Ozkan Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and ...

  10. Ag in the Classroom

    school garden enthusiasts. We are a collective group of garden educators, community members, and ...
