
Search results

  1. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    replaced in prealternate molt were collected for stable-carbon isotope analysis. Stable-carbon isotope ...

  2. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    the calendar year of 2013. Data collected for the study represented 76.7% of U.S. dairy operations and ...

  3. Full List of 2015 Publications

    Agronomy 60(2):328-331. Groth, T.M., A. Curtis, E. Toman and E. Mendham. 2015. The utility of a collective ... 2015. The development and validation of a collective occupational identity construct (COIC) in a natural ...

  4. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    Emergency Board. All USDA County Emergency Board members are to collect damage information on the overall ... will collect damage assessment information on the overall impact of the disaster on agriculture, such ... Center. If no communications are available, continue to collect data and hold the information until ...

  5. Current and Ongoing Proposal Deadlines

    academic year pursuing specialized courses of study, researching unique library collections, and working in ...

  6. SENR Alumni Society Constitution

    Executive Council meeting, collecting dues and fees as directed by the Executive Council or according to ...
