
Search results

  1. Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development or at 614-265-6740. Who is Responsible for Testing Private Water Supplies? Nearly one million Ohio ... Ohio EPA, it is ideal to collect several water samples over an extended period to establish the normal ... Testing Procedures Collect and analyze water samples using proper sampling and laboratory procedures. ...

  2. FRST Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool Launches Nationwide to Digitize Crop Nutrient Management

    the collective effort and expertise invested in the development of FRST. Steve Culman, our former soil ...

  3. On-Farm Agrichemical Mixing/Loading Pad

    and tank or sprayer leaks. Collect spills that occur during mixing and loading activities. Collect and ... storage. Containment and collection of rinsate and exterior wash water. Secondary containment of leaks ... spraying equipment repairs in this area to collect any material that may leak or is drained from the tanks ...

  4. Earwigs

    During dry, hot weather, earwigs sometimes migrate indoors in search of cool and moist habitat. They are ... Earwigs will hide under these sheltered areas, where they can be collected early in the morning. Shake ...

  5. Feedstock Logistics for Agricultural Residues and Energy Crops: Moving Biomass from the Field to Biorefinery Gate

    collecting and handling these feedstocks, their limitations, and logistics costs. Agricultural Residues, ... agricultural residues and energy crops involve harvesting or collecting, handling, transporting, storing, and ... energy crops for the cellulosic biorefinery. Feedstock Harvest and Collection  Agricultural residues, ...

  6. Business Retention and Expansion Program

    businesses. Coordinate data collection. Collect contact information for the targeted businesses, print ... Collect and review surveys. Coordinate responses to immediate business needs and concerns. Manage the data ... a blanket approach? The coordinator discusses data collection methods and introduces a timeline. The ...

  7. Perry County’s Forest Economy

    full- and part-time jobs in an industrial sector.    Direct Federal Tax Impact: Taxes collected by the ... involved in the stewardship of your property.   Join your local forestry association. Search Ohio State ...

  8. Monroe County’s Forest Economy

    part-time jobs in an industrial sector.  Direct Federal Tax Impact: Taxes collected by the U.S. government. ... stewardship of your property.  Join your local forestry association.  Search Ohio State University ...

  9. Fairfield County’s Forest Economy

    includes both full- and part-time jobs in an industrial sector. Direct Federal Tax Impact: Taxes collected ... association. Search Ohio State University Extension's website Ohioline for further study of ...

  10. Crop Protection Apps

    to communicate information, assist with field scouting, collect and access data, and more. The ... system: iOS Description: Search weeds by their common or Latin name, view a list of weeds, or ID weeds ... / iOS Description: Tank mix calculator for specific spray applications. Search by category, products, or ...
