
Search results

  1. ATI students designing bee-friendly landscape for A.I. Root

    and site needs: in this case, public- and bee-friendly, while complementing the historic home-- no ...

  2. BUSTEC 1200T Exploring Business

    covered in the course. Be sure to site references used.   All reports should be double spaced, typed ...

  3. Fun and Food Safe Picnics

    to remember is to wash your hands when you arrive at your picnic site before you begin preparing ...

  4. 2014

    Wheat. Plant Disease 98: 1387-1397 (pdf) Debeport SJ, Assigbetse K, Bayalac R, Chapuis-Lardy L, Dick RP, ...

  5. The Great Christmas Tree Debate: Real or Artificial

    and selling the trees, especially on online auction web sites which have created a small reemergence.  ...

  6. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    a well-respected company and with very specific plant and site needs: in this case, public and bee friendly, while ...

  7. Plant Sciences Banquet 2008

          Photo, left to right: Amanda Hayes, Bridget Meiring, Kara Riggs, Laura Bruner, Kate ...

  8. FAQs Online Courses

    web site and passcode. The course is offered through Moodle, a user-friendly online course management ...

  9. Photos 1

    Above: several of the interns working in the Department of Plant Pathology in Wooster. Above: students gathered for donuts and bagels in Wooster.  Larry Madden addresses the standing-room-only crowd. Above: In July, interns from Wooster and Columbus gathe ...

  10. Photos 3

    Columbus Internship Orientation- 07/12/2011 Left we met several faculty, including Tom Mitchell, who provided an enthusiastic overview of fungal genomics and genetics. Katie Gambone (near left) describes her work with Diplodia tip blight on pine.  Katie i ...
