
Search results

  1. Professional Societies and Conferences

    Society: Workshops, mixers, quiz bowls, and mentoring opportunities available at conferences as well as ...

  2. Ohio Shale Development: The Community Impact

    trucks on the road, driven by workers commuting to drilling sites, new pipeline right-of-ways, and ...

  3. Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation

    demonstrations and workshops. Extension emphasizes the science behind preservation, so everyone who cans or ...

  4. Pastures and Pipelines

    site.  Never sign anything without talking to your attorney and remember to put everything in writing. ...

  5. Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Farm Science Review

    such as gravity wagons, grain bins and grain legs to be setup at a site prior to training, then removed ...

  6. Pages

    way. The main differences being how they are using throughout the site. Title The title of your content ...

  7. Insect Night, walk and activities in Secrest Arboretum

    This free, family event features activities, games and a night walk in search of insects. ...

  8. LinkedIn Networking Workshop and Reception

    Craft a great LinkedIn profile or polish your existing page. Learn from our experts about how to make each section look it's best. A panel of alumni will be on hand to share how htey use this platform in hiring and connecting. An alumni networking re ...

  9. Pollinators Workshop and Certification

    Are you Gardening (and Farming) for Pollinators? Everyone plays a vital role in the development and conservation of habitat that benefits pollinators, including bees, birds and butterflies. This session will focus on the practical steps gardeners and urba ...

  10. Insect Night at Secrest Arboretum

    A free family event for insect lovers of all ages. Activities include the Bug Zoo, edible insects, insect games and contests, and a student-led night walk. ...
