
Search results

  1. Blender Bike 2017

    Hubs was one of two sites in Ohio to be part of the Ignite, Sparking Youth to Create Healthy ... before”. 2017 Blender Bike 48 Tour Included the following sites: Thursday, June 15 th, 2-4pm. Pickett ...

  2. National Sheep Improvement Program

    OSIA and OHSIA will be hosting a National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP) workshop in Wooster, OH ... Sheep Specialist, and chair of the NSIP, will be the speaker for the workshop. Commercial and purebred ... the next level. The workshop will be held at the OARDC Wooster Campus, in the Gerlaugh Hall conference ...

  3. Cooking With Kate- Quick and Easy Meals Cooking Demos & Samples to Taste!

    Options Thursday, May 26 Breakfast for Dinner Flyer and Registration Form Pre-registration by May 7th is ...

  4. Pests, Weeds and Disease! Workshop

    How is your garden growing?  Pests can have an impact on the harvest.  We will be talking good vs. bad bugs,  disease management and more in this free virtual class event held in partnership with Franklinton Farms on Wednesday July 29th @ 7pm.  Registrati ...

  5. Workshop: How to Grow Bigger, Better Strawberries and Get Them Earlier

    Ohio State University will offer a workshop May 25 on a production method that results in larger, ... workshop, which will be hosted by Bergefurd, will include discussion on: ·         Winter protection ... ·         Petiole sap analysis demonstration The workshop is 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. at OSU South Centers, 1864 Shyville ...

  6. Sharp Shooters Fall Meet And Greet Click Here for the flyer ...

  7. Let OSU Extension, Franklin County Help You Achieve and Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

    OSU Extension, Franklin County offers a variety of events and workshops in the following program ...

  8. Cake Decorating Workshop What to bring:  $5.00, your project book, cake decorating materials, and questions! ...

  9. Community Meeting for New Master Gardener Volunteer Applicants

    Workshops Gardening Information Booths at festivals and community events Horticulture Therapy Gardens ...

  10. Community Meeting for New Master Gardener Volunteer Applicants

    Workshops Gardening Information Booths at festivals and community events Horticulture Therapy Gardens ...
