
Search results

  1. Volunteering is Good for the Soul

    include:  volunteering one hour a week filing papers at your kid’s school or volunteer one hour a week at ...

  2. FAQs Online Courses

    web site and passcode. The course is offered through Moodle, a user-friendly online course management ...

  3. Secrest Arboretum Autumn Walk

    Walks call your attention to seasonal treasures and best practices for your landscape. Free, guided tour. Dress for the weather. Pre-registration is helpful, but not required. ...

  4. Photos 1

    Above: several of the interns working in the Department of Plant Pathology in Wooster. Above: students gathered for donuts and bagels in Wooster.  Larry Madden addresses the standing-room-only crowd. Above: In July, interns from Wooster and Columbus gathe ...

  5. Photos 3

    Columbus Internship Orientation- 07/12/2011 Left we met several faculty, including Tom Mitchell, who provided an enthusiastic overview of fungal genomics and genetics. Katie Gambone (near left) describes her work with Diplodia tip blight on pine.  Katie i ...

  6. Volunteering Is Good for the Soul

    a week, filing papers at your kid’s school, or volunteer one hour a week at your local boys and girls club ...

  7. Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter

    this year’s garden litter.  Those old vines and stems provide overwintering sites for insects and ...

  8. History Timeline

    Ellett and A Brief History of OARDC by R. E. Whitmoyer.  Photos from OARDC and the Department of Plant ...

  9. Citizenship Washington Focus

    speakers, participate in educational workshops and assemblies that increase individual commitment to citizen ...

  10. APS 2016

    Theme: Science to Practice Sally Miller, APS President From the meeting > View Photos Ohio State- ...
