
Search results

  1. Citizenship Washington Focus

    and hands-on educational workshops, youth will learn about the  history of our nation, the leaders who ...

  2. Chow Line: Have Fun and Be Food Safe When Tailgating

    devices that can be plugged into a car power outlet can also be used. If you plan to grill food on site at ...

  3. Food Preservation Workshops- Water Bath Canning and Tomatoes Workshop

    You will paticpate and learn the correct techniques to can tomatoes using the water bath method. ...

  4. Food Preservation Workshops- Pressure Canning Green Beans Workshop

    Safe pressure canning of low acid foods will be discussed, and you will be participating in geen bean canning. ...

  5. Better Process Control School

    permitted, but please notify us as soon as possible so that materials can be properly identified. On-Site The ... for companies at their location. A minimum of 15 attendees is required for on-site presentations. To ...

  6. Food Preservation Workshops- Once a Month Cooking

    Use these tips and techniques to make healthy meals for your family in bulk, saving time and energy. ...

  7. Food Preservation Workshops- Freezing and Drying Fruits and Vegetables

    Learn to correctly freeze and dry fruits and vegetables. ...

  8. Farm Bill Crop Safety Net Enrollment Deadlines Approaching

    allocated by the Feb. 27 deadline, then the farm’s current yield and base acre allocation presently on file ...

  9. Workshop Wednesday- Designing Displays & Public Speaking


  10. Workshop Wednesday- Cake Decorating

