
Search results

  1. Effective Models of Supervision

    another says you follow the same pattern equally with everyone.  Who is right?  In this workshop ...

  2. Columbus Local Foods Week August 9-15, 2015

    Workshop for Urban Food Producers,  7:00 p.m., St. Vincent De Paul Family Life Garden, 2875 E. Livingston ...

  3. Register NOW for the Franklin County 4H Camp!

    Inspirational Site, Team Challenge Course, Sports Field, and the Leadership Hall, a 4,800 square foot air ...

  4. Chadwick Plant Sale

    ticketed. Vivian Hall Lot (SW corner of Lane and Fyffe Road. Click here for a pdf version of the parking ...

  5. Agricultural and Natural Resource- Leasing Workshop

    Hold the date! The workshop will be held from 9:00 to Noon in the Adult Education Building at the ...

  6. Diagnostic Workshop for Master Gardener Volunteers

    Diagnostic Workshop   Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the ...

  7. Solar Leasing Workshop

    OSUE Associate Professors Eric Romich & Peggy Hall will share information and resources on solar leases:  what a lease should include, considerations for long term leases, limitations by entering a lease and costs/income associated with entering into ...

  8. Hemp Production & Marketing Opportunities Workshop

    Join Peggy Kirk Hall, OSU Extension Legal Educator, and Lee Beers, OSU Extension Educator for an informative session on hemp production in Ohio. Other topics that will be covered are legal and business issues related to hemp production and agronomic requi ...

  9. Pressure Canner Guage Testing Guidelines

    unit at the first sign of inaccuracy. Retain a copy of the test report in your office file. Training. ... the testing, copies given to the client, and also kept in an office file. If there is any question of ...

  10. MXC Counselor Workshop

