
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- June 3, 2013

    Statistics, Amos, and/or NVivo software site licenses, they will be expiring on June 30. Please renew as soon ...

  2. CD Wire- April 9, 2013

    individuals to attend both the pre-conference workshop May 6 and the conference on May 7. For complete ...

  3. CD Wire- July 15, 2014

    opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power at the university informing its efforts, SLS workshops ...

  4. CD Wire- July 14, 2014

    opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power at the university informing its efforts, SLS workshops ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    Grant allows managers and supervisors to attend classes, seminars and workshops offered by Ohio State ...

  6. Farmland Lease Workshop

    Speakers include: • Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management, OSU Extension • Peggy Hall, Legal Educator, OSU Extension   Pre-registration required – Space is limited. Please complete registration  & mail no later than January 22, 2016.  Reg ...

  7. CD Wire- May 13, 2014

    Wednesday, May 14, from noon to 1 p.m. Portal to the Public cohorts participate in a series of workshops ...

  8. CD Wire- October 1, 2012

    Workshops (December 18 & January 16) Removal of For-Sale Extension Bulletins from Ohioline National ...

  9. CD Wire- May 12, 2014

    Wednesday, May 14, from noon to 1 p.m. Portal to the Public cohorts participate in a series of workshops ...

  10. Master Gardener Coordinator's Volunteer Management Workshop

    Please check back for registration costs and time (definite time has not been set.) ...
