
Search results

  1. How to Adjust a POSILAC® Supplementation Program to a Temporarily Limited Supply of POSILAC

    than one cow will increase the risk of disease transmission, increase the risk of injection site ...

  2. Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months

    workshop to teach those interested. The day will be long but worth it. Topics are diverse and include pond, ...

  3. Controlled Lighting in Dry Period Increases Production in the Following Lactation

    of light (SDPP, or Short Day Photo Period) and 16 hours of dark for the full dry period achieved ...

  4. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    simple to use. We have taught and demonstrated the use of these instruments at workshops and field days ... Midwest Vegetable Variety Trial report is available at the Purdue University vegetable crops web site ...

  5. Where to Test Forages for Nitrates.

    omitted.   Check your chosen lab's web site, as many are already posting information about nitrate ...

  6. Now is the Time for Tax Planning

    income tax planning: Table 1. Married individuals filing joint returns and surviving spouses. If taxable ...

  7. Lumber grading training creates opportunities for workforce      *Image from lumber grading workshop is by Stephanie Stanley, Pike County News Watchman. ...

  8. Environmental Stewardship- Minimizing Risk and Being Prepared

    site and application fields 3) a list of contact names and numbers included with the plan and posted ...

  9. Aquaculture Research Achievements and Impacts 2014

    genetically improved yellow perch was completed on three sites in two states using both separate rearing and ... the three sites. Performance test of OSU improved perch vs. Bell perch in Recirculating Aquaculture ... collaboration with OARDC MCIC, we completed restriction-site associated (RAD)/DNA sequencing of five strains of ...

  10. Sustainable agriculture and agroecosystem services

    collected composite soil and plant samples over the years from geo-referenced sites of each replicated plot. ...
