
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review 2017 Set for Sept. 19-21

    Zachrich. Shuttle wagons will be leaving from the west end of the show site throughout the day to transport ...

  2. Records Management

    be maintained and its disposition. A record series is a group of related records filed and/or used ...

  3. Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop

    This conference is intended for individuals who hold a current commercial pesticide license. If you do not have a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  Check-in will begin at 7:45 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Se ...

  4. Landscape and construction lab taking shape

    "sandboxes" similar to the testing stations installed at the landscape certification testing site. Ironically, ...

  5. Terry Lanker receives national award

    seminars and hands-on workshops throughout the US, and has served as a member of the Teleflora Educational ...

  6. Citation Help

    Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of the Database or Web site. Web. Date you accessed the ... Deere (Title of the Web site if distinct from the title of the work). Deere & Company (if there ... isn't a publisher or site sponsor use N.p.), 2013 (date of publication: day, month, year as available). ...

  7. Dicamba Restrictions Added

    wet dicamba particles stay in the air and with wind, can drift off site. Between sunrise and sunset, ...

  8. EFNEP

    classrooms, after-school programs/camps, and summer feeding sites. EFNEP is funded by the National Institute ...

  9. Food Preservation Workshops- Water Bath Canning and Tomatoes Workshop

    You will paticpate and learn the correct techniques to can tomatoes using the water bath method. ...

  10. Food Preservation Workshops- Pressure Canning Green Beans Workshop

    Safe pressure canning of low acid foods will be discussed, and you will be participating in geen bean canning. ...
