
Search results

  1. SENR Student Observation: Comeback kids? Bobwhites seen in Columbus

    are disappearing from much of the eastern U.S.” (Photo: Northern bobwhites by Steve Maslowski, USFWS.) ...

  2. Faculty presenting at upcoming Ecological Food and Farming Conference

    conference on sustainable food and farming, the event offers nearly 80 hour-and-a-half workshops on organic ... farming and related topics, including 10 with speakers from Ohio State. One track of workshops is  ... Workshop speakers also will come from farms, businesses, nonprofits, advocacy groups, agencies and ...

  3. TWEL Adam Janke Thesis

    non-breeding season (October- March) on 4 private land study sites in southwestern Ohio during 2009-2011. ... among study sites revealed that home ranges were preferentially established in areas with grassland ... cover on 2 agricultural study sites, but not at the site with the greatest amount of grassland cover. ...

  4. TWEL Mark Wiley Thesis

    radio-telemetry to quantify usable space at various temporal and spatial scales on four private land study sites ... estimates ranged from 10.3% to 24.4% for the four sites. Amount of usable space decreased considerably ... least three important cover types influencing use on these sites. Predicted probability surfaces showed ...

  5. Creating Data Management Plans with the DMPTool

    Services, for this hands-on workshop. BYOD-  Attendees are encouraged to bring their own devices for ...

  6. 'Much to Gain' by Boosting Outdoor Recreation in Ohio: Discussion Dec. 9

    and Environmental Sciences and written by Kurt Knebusch. Photo caption: The next Environmental ... getting more people outside. (Photo: iStock.)   COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio has great potential for outdoor ...

  7. Tip #2- Attend a Resume Workshop

    As part of our Countdown to Expo- a resume workshop is coming up! The workshop will review and ...

  8. TWEL Lauren MacDade Thesis

    that dietary composition and refueling performance varied among shoreline sites for Yellow-rumped ... sites was comparable to inland forest sites, despite shoreline forest sites often having very high ...

  9. TWEL Randall Knapik Thesis

    sites; however, changes in covey density and usable space were not proportional. Loss of important ... habitat features on the Fee, Thurner, and Wildcat study sites resulted in a decline in usable space. ... Management of woodlot edges on the Peach Orchard study site resulted in an increase in usable space. ...

  10. Photography Exhibit

    Students in the EEOB communication Science via Photography Workshop will hold a photography ...
