
Search results

  1. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Asparagus

    . Sanchez, Elsa, Lynn Kime, and Jayson Harper. 2021. Agricultural Alternatives, Asparagus ... Montana State University.  Asparagus. EB0212_03. Bozeman: Montana State University, 2014. PDF ... . National Center for Home Food Preservation. n.d. University of Georgia, College of Family and ...

  2. Home Alone: Is My Child Old Enough? ... Vandivere, S., Tout, K., Zaslow, M., Calkins, J., & Capizzano, J. (2003). Unsupervised time: ... Family and Youth is my child old enough to be home alone home rules children family science ...

  3. Wild Mushrooms

    favorite host in Ohio. Photo courtesy of B. Bunyard. Figure 2. Giant Puffball (Calvatia) Edible. It ranges ... from late August to early October. Photo courtesy of B. Bunyard. Figure 3. Shaggy mane (Coprinus). One ... soon become inky. Photo courtesy of W. Sturgeon. Figure 4. Shaggy Parasol (Chlorophyllum rachodes). ...

  4. Renewable Energy Policy Series: Rules for Siting a Utility Scale Wind Farm in Ohio

    fact sheet summarizes the application process and certification requirements for siting approval and ... property values, and impact on wildlife (E. Lantz and L. Flowers, 2010). In Ohio, The Ohio Power Siting ... siting requirements for wind projects that relate to the most commonly expressed community concerns ...

  5. Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Bumble Bees

    flower.  (Photo by David Cappaert, Bumble bees are important pollinators of crops, such as ... climate change and lack of suitable nesting sites. Bumble bees are specifically impacted by several ... nest with workers and capped brood. (Photo by MaLisa Spring.) Bumble bees foraging on blue vervain. ...

  6. Consumer Debt Relief in the United States and Canada

    filings in the United States is low. In 2016/2017, about 770,000 U.S. consumers filed non-business or ... million non-business, consumer bankruptcy filings were recorded (United States Courts 2017).      In the ... United States, 1 in 8 consumers is likely to file for bankruptcy in a lifetime (Addo 2017). In the U.S. ...

  7. Soils and Soil Health In addition, the Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Crops Team offers winter programming on ... applied to a bare field or dormant crop in the fall or winter. Soil Type Soils with more exchange sites ... have greater ability to hold nutrients because OM provides additional exchange sites and nutrients to ...

  8. Teen Opportunities & Scholarships

    that we could always have help with including: updating materials, organizing information, filing ...

  9. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Melons

    temperature until they ripen.  Figure 2. A healthy diet includes 2 cups of melon per day.  Photo: Jill ... Agricultural Commodities. Dover: Delaware Department of Agriculture, 2009–2010, 29. PDF ... . Food Home, Yard and Garden melon ohio melon recipes yellow crimson watermelons melon sorbet ...

  10. Parental Involvement Can Reduce the Risk of Teen Pregnancy Singh, S., & Darroch, J. (1999). Why is Teenage Pregnancy Declining? The Roles of Abstinence, ...
