
Search results

  1. EEOB Seminar

    behavioral ecology, population biology, and marine ecology. His research site can be found here: ...

  2. Could You Find a Partridge in a Pear Tree in Ohio?

    Photos from Getty Images Originally published on the website of the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  3. Next Generation Mobility Challenge

    the end of the 7-hour workshop, teams will pitch their ideas to Toyota and mobility experts and ...

  4. TWEL Ashley Buchanan Thesis

    captured, color-banded, and promptly transported to one of five pre-determined release sites. Birds were ... sites were used to test for habitat features that influence stopover behavior and to control for arrival ... sites, processed, fitted with a radio transmitter, and released within the same site. Location data were ...

  5. Free Nutrient Management Plan Development Program

    provide both fertility recommendations and an environmental site risk for fields that help identify ...

  6. Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration Meeting

    School of Environment and Natural Resources. View the MWGL SER Meeting Flyer. ...

  7. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio

    Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio in 245 Kottman Hall. Large ... and urban sites throughout the Greater Columbus. My central hypothesis was that prevalence of ...

  8. Safety Considerations for Community Gardens and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

    glass, and other discarded items on the property. Working on these newly developed sites may also require ... aid kit available on-site, or possibly in a person’s vehicle, for treatment of injuries, insect ... be necessary in some locations. On-site water supplies collected from rooftops or rain barrels should ...

  9. Resume Writing Workshop

    Kottman Hall This is a FREE workshop and all students are encouraged to attend this fabulous opportunity! ...

  10. TWEL Katie Robertson Dissertation

    our predictions, coyotes at highly urban sites (e.g., downtown Chicago) and coyotes in protected ...
