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  1. The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon Contracts with the University of Rio Grande

    available on the Internet through the BlogTalk Radio site.  All completed broadcasts are archived online on ...

  2. 2014 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

    and live demonstration workshop prepares rescue personnel for the unconventional agriculture ...

  3. Post-Award Workshop

    During this Fiscal Overview session, many items will be discussed including: Release Time/Cost Share Form-considerations, accuracy and how to avoid issues Effort Certification (eCert) and why this is necessary Audit worthy transactions, best practices for ...

  4. Ohio State University Offers Agritourism Safety Tips for Consumers, Farmers

    a possible medical condition and take appropriate action. Invite your local fire department to do a site ...

  5. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    commercial hop farms throughout Ohio. A hops workshop was taught in July in cooperation with OSU Extension ...

  6. Photos from the CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium 2016

    The first CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium took place on February 16, 2016. Welcome and Opening Dr. Sandy Velleman introducing the keynote speaker, Dr. Christine Daughtery Remarks from Acting Dean, Ron Hendrick Keynote address by Dr. Christine Daugherty ...

  7. Presentations

    Principle, Progress and Prospects. Ohio Aquaculture Workshop. February, 2017. Piketon, OH, USA. 5S rRNA ...

  8. 2014 Fruit Research and Extension Progress Blackberry high tunnel production also deserves a serious look. Four-season high tunnels can ...

  9. Ohio Cane-Fruit Pruning Workshop

    Hosted by Gary Gao & Dave Scurlock. ...

  10. Post-award Grant/Contract Management Workshop

    May 19, 2016 10:00- 11:30 am Research Services 130 Please join us for Post-Award Grant/Contract Management.   During this session we will learn about: 1. Financial responsibilities in monitoring projects: who does what as the PI, department administrator, ...
