
Search results

  1. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    a cheese processing plant and one of the farms had on-site processing of milk, ice cream, and/or yogurt. ...

  2. Livestock Judging: Coach Wilson

      Year Photo Team Results 1966 L to R: G.R. Wilson, Coach; Terry Reed; Carl Birney; Tom Lamb; Jay ...

  3. 2007-2009 Archive

    left photo, standing right) with advisor Dr. Pierluigi Bonello; and Miguel Vega Sanchez (lower right ... photo, standing right) with advisor Dr. Guo-liang Wang. Sawsan Elateek, Miguel Vega-Sanchez and Clara ... presentation Plant Health Care workshop, "Mycorrhizae in Urban Landscapes: Their importance, utility, and ...

  4. Livestock Judging: Turner 3

      Year Photo Team Results 2001 L to R: Wendy Funderburg, N Lewisburg; Bryan Bradley, Blue Rock; ...

  5. Biopesticides

    covering have been filed and two have been licensed to companies looking to develop new biopesticides and ...

  6. Ohio No-Till Summer Field Day

    On-site registration is $60. Registration includes lunch. A complete agenda and both online registration ...

  7. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 3

    office that is hosting a site in your area to ask if there is a registration process involved with that ... location. To date, the following 21 Ohio and Indiana locations have been confirmed as host sites: Belmont ...

  8. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 1

    office that is hosting a site in your area to ask if there is a registration process involved with that ... location. To date, the following 21 Ohio and Indiana locations have been confirmed as host sites: Belmont ...

  9. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 2

    office that is hosting a site in your area to ask if there is a registration process involved with that ... location. To date, the following 21 Ohio and Indiana locations have been confirmed as host sites: Belmont ...

  10. 2014

    Wheat. Plant Disease 98: 1387-1397 (pdf) Debeport SJ, Assigbetse K, Bayalac R, Chapuis-Lardy L, Dick RP, ...
