
Search results

  1. Success Uncorked for Ohio’s Wine Industry: Double the Wineries, 4K Jobs, $580M Economic Impact

    to invest locally, not only in our on-site operations but in the local economy.”- 30- Note: Ohio Gov. ...

  2. Study Examines Rural Low-Income Families in Light of Welfare Reform Other states involved in this study are California, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, ...

  3. High Input Costs, Cheap Equipment: Finding the Value in Precision Agriculture Technology

    Results of the study can be found by logging on to OSU Extension's Ohio Ag Manager Web site at ...

  4. First-of-its-kind Wastewater Treatment System Saves Turkey Processor Millions, Protects Environment

    OSU Extension workshop on the sand bioreactor system for EPA engineers that presented all of the ...

  5. Chow Line: Watch the toppings for a healthy salad (for 9/11/11)

    the College of Education and Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel chow.salads.pdf False False ...

  6. "Feed Me Seymour!" Carnivorous Plants All Bark, No Bite

    will break down and shrink in volume. The Internet entertains of wide variety of Web sites with ...

  7. Ohio State, Iceland Team Up on Environmental Issues

    invited by Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, the president of Iceland, to present a series of lectures and workshops ...

  8. Stewart's Bacterial Leaf Blight Predicted Severe This Year

    potentially spread the disease," said Lipps. Data collected from 10 sites in Ohio (Hoytville, South ...

  9. Future of Nursery Industry May Lie in A Greenhouse

    and turn the nursery stock into a commercial production site without ever having to move the trees. ...

  10. Academic Program Strengthens Ties with African Agriculture

    seminars, workshops, internships and non-degree training programs. Additionally, deans from each of the East ...
