
Search results

  1. Grape + Wine Analysis Workshop


  2. Evening Garden Affair

    Harco workshop with seating and air conditioning.  It will then move outside for a demonstration and ...

  3. Cost of Production Records: The First Key to Marketing Management

    participants in these workshops (about 50 in total) represent agricultural credit organizations, farm service ... assessment workshops. They seemed to be in agreement that risk assessment on dairy farms is a serious ...

  4. Organic Crop Field Day

    their exchange sites, leaving them “balanced,” said Doug Doohan, acting director of the OFFER program. ... OARDC is an excellent site for multiple types of research related to organic production,” he said. ...

  5. Pesticide License Recertification Training

    applicator license is due to expire March 31, 2017 and you still need credits, attend our workshop to earn ...

  6. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    Policy Watch 2012 (top of page) pdf file John Newton, Ph.D. Graduate Student and Cam Thraen, Dairy ... LB/year. The House bill offers retroactive margin insurance coverage for up to $6.00 for farms who file ...

  7. Dairy Farm Labor

    School District income taxes total more than $500, he/she must file an estimated tax declaration and make ... electronic, file transfer protocol, magnetic tape, or diskette. Workers' Compensation ...

  8. Dairy Program Updates

    interests to attend these workshops AND Quality Assurance training will be provided.  We also have adult ...

  9. Update on Dairy Youth Programs

    as well as a series of workshops offered by faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, industry ...

  10. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    graduate students and an Animal Monitoring Technology workshop (registration required), followed by ...
