
Search results

  1. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    options markets, and policy issues of importance to Ohio and Federal Order 33 producers go to my web site ...

  2. Controlling Flies on Farms

    from their breeding sites. Sanitation Flies around dairy buildings develop in moist manure or other wet ...

  3. Nutrient Management Plan Writing Workshop

     Please RSVP by contacting Jessie Schulze at 419-782-4771 or and provide your name, county, phone number, date, and AM or PM for your arrival. We will accept farmers on a first come, first served basis in the AM (9-12) and PM (12-3). Qu ...

  4. Nutrient Management Plan Writing Workshop

     Please RSVP by contacting Jessie Schulze at 419-782-4771 or and provide your name, county, phone number, date, and AM or PM for your arrival. We will accept farmers on a first come, first served basis in the AM (9-12) and PM (12-3). Qu ...

  5. Master Gardner Volunteer Diagnostic Workshop


  6. LinkedIn Networking Workshop and Reception

    Craft a great LinkedIn profile or polish your existing page. Learn from our experts about how to make each section look it's best. A panel of alumni will be on hand to share how htey use this platform in hiring and connecting. An alumni networking re ...

  7. Technology Workshop "Website & Video Game Coding"


  8. Technology Workshop "3D Printer & Google Cardboard"


  9. Pollinators Workshop and Certification

    Are you Gardening (and Farming) for Pollinators? Everyone plays a vital role in the development and conservation of habitat that benefits pollinators, including bees, birds and butterflies. This session will focus on the practical steps gardeners and urba ...

  10. Nature Workshop

    Projects Included: (611) Explore the Outdoors, (620) Why Trees Matter, (621) Ohio Birds, (644) Teaming with Insects: Level 1 Professional(s):   Mark Badertscher, Patty Cribley,  and John Mueller RSVP by calling OSU Hardin Co. Extension: 419-674-2297 What ...
