
Search results

  1. Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Site Preparation and Planting Using the Wild-Simulated Approach

    ginseng in the woods over many years. Figure 1. Life cycle of American ginseng. Photo from: American ... started; however, you must have a woodland with suitable ginseng sites in order to produce wild-simulated ... is flat, be sure to avoid areas with poorly drained soils. Some indicators of a good ginseng site ...

  2. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI) online

    styles of others. Jeff King is facilitating this workshop. Please note, if you are unable to attend you ... may send someone else in your place. Cancellations made prior to the day of the workshop will be ... workshop. Certificates of participation are available for individuals seeking professional development ...

  3. Bumble Bees in Ohio: Natural History and Identification of Common Species

    a corbicula full of pollen. Photo by @jeffnoh, Once she finds a nesting site, the queen ... wood, bore holes in wood structures, or hover menacingly as do male carpenter bees near nesting sites ... in crevices in rock walls. Queen bumble bee in blueberry field in spring. Photo by Denny Reiser. ...

  4. Extending Universal Design Principles onto the Farmstead Universal Design Community Education Project. (2002). Universal Design—Implementing Home ... Yearns, M. H. (2004). Universal Design for Better Living. Department of Human Development & ... Center for Universal Design. (n.d.). Universal Design.  North Carolina State University. Connell, ...

  5. Secondary Injury Caused by Lifting

    materials such as this fact sheet, along with on-site assessment, technical assistance, and awareness in ...

  6. Forest Management

    species, condition, numbers, age, volume, value, growth, and basal area will be measured. Soil/site quality ... will be evaluated to determine what the site can produce. Depending on ownership objectives, other ... forest site is capable of producing. Develop and Implement the Management Strategy Based on the inventory ...

  7. Foreign-Trade Zones: Helping Companies Compete Globally Business and Land Ownership Community foreign trade zone zones ftz ftzs imports customs duty-free ... Ohio State University Extension, Fayette County Foreign-trade zones (FTZs) are sites within the United ... brought into the site duty-free and without formal customs entry (Atwood 2020). According to the U.S. ...

  8. The Parsley Family Identification Guide

    are photos and key characteristics for five of the most common weeds: wild carrot (Daucus carota), ... and giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum). These weeds inhabit both disturbed and undisturbed sites ... Figures 1–5 (top left to right): Seedlings of commonly confused parsley family weeds. Photo credits: ...

  9. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle

    of sites including abandoned fields, roadsides, right-of-ways, woodland edges, and the interiors of ... and SDS could be obtained online at the Crop Data Management System web site ...

  10. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    PDF). Summary of short-term weather stresses, corn injury/concern, and management responses. Adapted ...
