
Search results

  1. Graduate Exit Seminar- Zoe Korpi

    prevalence of lake-crossing behavior of songbirds on Lake Erie, (2) identify key pre-crossing sites and ... crossing routes used, (3) and identify the landscape characteristics of high-use sites on the shoreline. As ... hopefully contribute to exposure risk assessments when considering siting of future offshore wind projects ...

  2. Corn & Soybean Planting Updates: Delays and Potential Yield Impacts and Recommendations

    planting window at the Western site, corn yielded best (>210 bu/acre) when planting was delayed to May ...

  3. Soil Fertility

    or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Undergraduate Graduate 3.0 ENR5270au23_Ippolito.pdf ...

  4. Animal Units

    document attached here.  CFAES Animal Operations Contact List PDF file Columbus area (left) and Wooster area (right) ...

  5. Additional Resources at Ohio State

    and intercultural celebrations, heritage and awareness events, dialogues, workshops ...

  6. Controlled Prairie Burn Featured in The Columbus Dispatch

    A controlled prairie burn at The Wilds is described via photos and a video feature in The Columbus ...

  7. Please Participate! Using Data-Driven Knowledge for Profitable Soybean Management Systems This is what we are asking from you: Provide field management and yield information from two or ... Feel free to use the paper copy and email to or send in the mail (Laura ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 5- Freeze Injury to Corn and Soybean

    The first planting date at the Northwest research site is forthcoming.   Location Planting date 2-inch ...

  9. Soil scientists gather in Phoenix to share scientific research

    research and participate in technical workshops and professional tours.   Presentations with School of ... Degraded Site in Illinois. Contextualizing Urban Soil Pb within a Public Health Framework. Characterization ... a Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop at Ten Sites Across the US Cornbelt. Bioenergy Production and Carbon ...

  10. Graduate student awarded Wildland Fire Scholarship

    community and has been doing so since 2017. Photos courtesy of Jo Kingsbury. SENR Graduate Research ...
