
Search results

  1. EFNEP

    classrooms, after-school programs/camps, and summer feeding sites. EFNEP is funded by the National Institute ...

  2. 50th Farm Science Review another success

    agricultural research, resources, information, and access for farmers, drew some 115,183 attendees to its site ...

  3. Applications Due- Study Abroad Voyagers

    classroom visits, student organization visits, posting fliers, organizing workshops, keeping the Facebook ...

  4. I am Woman- Watch me Lead

    By focusing on their collaboration skills and the unique talents women possess. Workshop participants ...

  5. Communiqué December 23, 2011

    request your annual summary this year. Your annual report will arrive electronically via PDF from Kim ... dec232011_cfaessocialmediaguidelines.pdf Year-End Gift Giving Reminders It’s that time of year again. Many of our donors count on gifts ... workshops at the conference will address a variety of diversity initiatives. These include: Walk One Hour in ...

  6. Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day

    marketing, and the farm machinery industry. The workshop is presented by OSU Extension educators and ...

  7. Communication and Conflict Management Workshop

    team's or unit's effectiveness? This workshop will provide participants with a greater understanding ...

  8. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    Diversity Conference RFPs due June 27 Strengths-Based Communication Workshop ‒ June 11 Bike Sharing on Main ... a series of professional development workshops designed to build capacity for creating and strengthening ... workshop will be held on May 22 (9am to 4pm) in the MLK Auditorium, Hale Hall, 154 W. 12th Avenue. The ...

  9. Philosophy on Partnerships

    (letter on file). Appropriate county, district and state programmatic and fiscal administrative approvals ...

  10. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    is March 8 Coaching and Performance Management Workshop March 12 Promotion for Faculty Promotion for ... and Performance Management Workshop March 12 As County directors or unit supervisors have the ... This can be a daunting and sometimes challenging part of your role. This workshop focused on coaching ...
