
Search results

  1. Farming as Rocket Science

    parachutes and payloads of eggs. Baseball diamonds are popular launch sites, as are alfalfa fields: the ...

  2. TWEL Bryce T. Adams Dissertation

    with different vegetation composition and structure within six study sites during 2015 and 2016. My ...

  3. OSU Parks & Rec Society Kayaking Day Trip

    be found at Remember that to ...

  4. EEOB Seminar

    behavioral ecology, population biology, and marine ecology. His research site can be found here: ...

  5. Lake States Fire Science Consortium Moquah Barrens Field Tour

    maps, and photos. Questions about Field Tour? Contact Jack McGowan-Stinski, Lake States Fire Science ...

  6. TWEL Olivia M. Smith Thesis

    2009- 2011 and 1 Oct-31 Mar 2012-2015) seasons on 4 study sites located on private lands in Ohio. Home ... ES woody vegetation was created by treating edges in 12 survey points on 2 study sites. A total of ... analyzed separately due to differences in recording. The pooled estimate between sites was a decline ...

  7. TWEL Ashley Buchanan Thesis

    captured, color-banded, and promptly transported to one of five pre-determined release sites. Birds were ... sites were used to test for habitat features that influence stopover behavior and to control for arrival ... sites, processed, fitted with a radio transmitter, and released within the same site. Location data were ...

  8. Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration Meeting

    School of Environment and Natural Resources. View the MWGL SER Meeting Flyer. ...

  9. Pressure Canner Guage Testing Guidelines

    unit at the first sign of inaccuracy. Retain a copy of the test report in your office file. Training. ... the testing, copies given to the client, and also kept in an office file. If there is any question of ...

  10. Michael Graziano's Graduate Defense Seminar

    constructed fourteen ridge-top pools (seven paired sites, with one of each pair in a maple-dominated community ...
