
Search results

  1. Alfalfa Weevil Activity is Beginning to Peak

    damage, green alfalfa weevil larvae in different development stages (instars), and brown adults. Photo ...

  2. Ross County teens explore new cultures

    Humanity Center and participated in a workshop where they identified character traits within themselves ...

  3. Look Out for Nitrogen Loss Due to Heavy Rains

    ( Time (days) Soil Temperature (degree F) N loss (percent) 5 55-60 10 10 55-60 25 3 75-80 60 ...

  4. Effective Meeting Facilitation: Getting the Most Out of Your Group SOLD OUT

    meetings Jera Niewoehner-Green is facilitating this workshop. Please note, if you are unable to attend you ... may send someone else in your place. Cancellations made prior to the day of the workshop will be ... workshop. Certificates of participation are available for individuals seeking professional development ...

  5. Workshops

    every effort to meet requests made after this date. In-person workshops venues are wheelchair ...

  6. Animal Sciences Professor Dr. Stephen Boyles recognized as CFAES Distinguished Teacher

    invited by the university to do workshops for incoming Graduate Teaching Assistants on teaching ...

  7. Narrow row corn- should we vary other management factors too?

    nitrogen and fungicide. The trials were conducted from 2016-2018 in two sites (South Charleston, high yield ...

  8. Invited Summer Guests: Hummingbird Feeders

    Invited Summer Guests: Hummingbird Feeders PDF for PRINTING Have you ever wanted to see ...

  9. Hardin Co. Homemaker's Spring Achievement Celebration

    Tuesday, April 2nd at the Kenton Moose Lodge. Please see flyer for information. Reservations are due ...

  10. Transitioning to Organic Workshop

    farm, or are considering it, a March 21 workshop being held at the North Central Agricultural Research ... about organic production.  Flyer with complete information and registration information can be found at ...
