
Search results

  1. Early Childhood Education Workshop

    Participants will be able to apply NAEYC DAP's Core Considerations, Principles and Guidelines, and Effective Teaching and Curriculum into their daily practice.  A Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) book and training materials will be provide ...

  2. Fun and Food Safe Picnics

    to remember is to wash your hands when you arrive at your picnic site before you begin preparing ...

  3. Clinic and Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Feel free to bring a sack lunch or snacks! Join us to learn about operating a diagnostic clinic, answering customer questions, and utilizing University resources.  Following the dia ...

  4. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    connected with extended family with easy instant messages, and instant shared photos.  A 2008 study ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteer Community Garden Specialization Workshop


  6. Organic Certification and the Small Urban Grower: A Workshop to Explore Organic Certification

    Come learn how small urban growers can become certified organic growers. Learn about specific exemptions for small growers Learn about the process to become certified and the resources available to help you transition to a certified organic system No fee ...

  7. Master Gardener Volunteer Workshop and Class of 2016 Graduation

    Please contact Mike Hogan at with additional questions.  ...

  8. MGV Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Interested in writing articles for the Vindicator or other Extension events?  If so, or if you’ve written in the past, join us to learn about different writing techniques and all the writing “Dos” and “Don’ts”.  Th ...

  9. Computer Training: Excel workshop

    Learn how to use Microsoft Excel, including how to enter and edit data, modify and format worksheets, and use basic functions and charts. Computer training will be held over two sessions on Saturday, Nov. 19 and Nov. 26 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Godman Gu ...

  10. The Great Christmas Tree Debate: Real or Artificial

    and selling the trees, especially on online auction web sites which have created a small reemergence.  ...
