
Search results

  1. Plant Sciences Banquet 2008

          Photo, left to right: Amanda Hayes, Bridget Meiring, Kara Riggs, Laura Bruner, Kate ...

  2. Small Farm Workshop

    Transform your hobby farm into a viable farm business... Join David Marrison, Extension Educator, Ashtabula County to learn more about current opportunities in small-scale farming.  Participants will be challenged to develop realistic expectations for the ...

  3. Volunteering is Good for the Soul

    include:  volunteering one hour a week filing papers at your kid’s school or volunteer one hour a week at ...

  4. FAQs Online Courses

    web site and passcode. The course is offered through Moodle, a user-friendly online course management ...

  5. Photos 1

    Above: several of the interns working in the Department of Plant Pathology in Wooster. Above: students gathered for donuts and bagels in Wooster.  Larry Madden addresses the standing-room-only crowd. Above: In July, interns from Wooster and Columbus gathe ...

  6. Photos 3

    Columbus Internship Orientation- 07/12/2011 Left we met several faculty, including Tom Mitchell, who provided an enthusiastic overview of fungal genomics and genetics. Katie Gambone (near left) describes her work with Diplodia tip blight on pine.  Katie i ...

  7. Volunteering Is Good for the Soul

    a week, filing papers at your kid’s school, or volunteer one hour a week at your local boys and girls club ...

  8. Ling Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Friday, February 9, 2018- 7:30am to 1:30pm ...

  9. Greenhouse workshop

    Room 100 (Wooster) Thursday, February 8, 2018 (All day) ...

  10. Greenhouse workshop

    200 (Wooster) Thursday, February 8, 2018 (All day) ...
