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  1. ScienceWriters2014

    workshops, briefings on the latest scientific research, extensive networking opportunities, and field trips, ...

  2. Wildlife In Your Woods

    Wildlife in your Woods workshop scheduled for Saturday, August 16, 2014 is all about the wildlife ...

  3. Be a STAR! Interviewing Techniques

    to succeed in that interview by participating in this interactive workshop. Come prepared with ...

  4. SENR Graduate Student Selected to Participate in Project Recognizing Outstanding Food and Agriculture Scholars

    USDA-NIFA are the sponsors of the four-day Institute.   Photo caption: Tania Burgos-Hernández receiving her ...

  5. Farmers: 3 days to hone your business’s edge, 4,000 ways to see how

    130,000 people. Featured this year will be workshops, displays and other sessions by experts from OARDC ...

  6. Effects of Aquatic Habitat Degradation on Hybridization between Bluegill and Green Sunfish

    removed low-head dam near 5th Avenue. The available habitat quality in our four study sites was measured ...

  7. New Exhibit Showcases History and Role of Forests in Ohio

    view of the Building Ohio State exhibit. (Photo: Molly Bean.) “As a part of this extensive renovation, ...

  8. Contact Us

    through web based education programs, workshops, and presentations. Wooster Get in touch with our offices ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- February 4, 2013

    workshop flyer, visit: National Urban Extension Conference- May 6-9: Registration ... will feature several workshops and sessions designed to offer education relevant to advancing ... about the event, which includes session titles and more. MarketReady Workshops to be held in Columbus ...

  10. CD Wire- May 22, 2012

    conference posters and one of the 12 conference workshops. All told, there are CD unit members presenting in ... ***************************************************************************** PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Shale Energy Environment and Health Issues Workshop- May 24: The ... Subsurface Energy Resource Center is hosting a workshop on Thursday, May 24, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in 140 ...
