
Search results

  1. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    issues of importance to Ohio and Federal Order 33 producers go to my web site, Ohio Dairy Web 2004, and ...

  2. A Look at the Pricing Opportunity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

    issues of importance to Ohio and Federal Order 33 producers go to my web site, Ohio Dairy Web 2004, and ...

  3. Environmental Policy Initiative Announces Summer 2014 Research Grant Winners

    Pretty), and the modernization of Managua’s only municipal waste site, a source of livelihood for thousands ...

  4. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    analysts say. (photo: iStock) Writer: Martha Filipic 614-292-9833 Source: Mark Rembert ...

  5. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    a well-respected company and with very specific plant and site needs: in this case, public and bee friendly, while ...

  6. U.S. Dairy Markets and Policy Update

    have had the opportunity to participate in a workshop or conference detailing this program.  I will ...

  7. Dairy Policy and Market Watch,

    importance to Ohio and Federal Order 33 producers go to my web site, Ohio Dairy Web 2004, and click on ...

  8. USDA Launches New Dairy Decision Tool that Ohio State Economist Helped Develop

    will host a number of workshops around the country to train producers and educators on how to use the ...

  9. Small Farm Workshop

    Transform your hobby farm into a viable farm business... Join David Marrison, Extension Educator, Ashtabula County to learn more about current opportunities in small-scale farming.  Participants will be challenged to develop realistic expectations for the ...

  10. What’s the Value of an Agricultural Economics Degree? The Answer: a 98.7% Chance that You’ll have a Job after Graduation

    in 2009 on price analysis. Photo Credit: AEDE.   September 14, 2012   ...
