
Search results

  1. Introduction to Grant Writing- Postponed

    where to begin? Join us on March 26  for an Introduction to Grant Writing Workshop taught by Kyle White, ... Flyer Here ...

  2. "I Am Not Your Negro" Film Discussion

    which has a runtime of 1h 35m and is rated PG-13, can be streamed for free on the following sites ...

  3. Workshop: The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    Pronouns are tools for effective and efficient communication, and their intentional or unintentional misuse can cause confusion and harm. Using gender-affirming language such as pronouns and avoiding unnecessary use of other gendered words is essential to ...

  4. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Jera Niewoehner-Green

    I have helped plan DEI-related professional development for our faculty and staff, facilitated workshops ... a workshop, making changes to a syllabus, or developing relationships with people who have different ...

  5. HCS Turf Students San Diego Success...

    you to Parker Baney & Patrick Andrews for the photos.             turf students Turfgrass Science ...

  6. Medina County 4-H Interview Workshop (POSTPONED)

    position! We will be hosting the workshop from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm at the Medina County Extension Office. 120 ...

  7. You Write the Grant- Class 2

    leave with a completed, ready to submit proposal. This is a two class workshop. Join us on April 9 and ... Fee of $100 covers both classes.  Deadline to Register April 6th. Registration Flyer Here ...

  8. You Write the Grant- Class 1- Postponed

    with a completed, ready to submit proposal. This is a two class workshop. Join us on April 9 and April ... $100 covers both classes.  Deadline to Register April 6th. Registration Flyer Here ...

  9. DEI Student Spotlight: Gary Closs, Jr.

    many things are virtual, I think it is a great chance for people to attend the workshops the office of ...

  10. Turfgrass Science Summer Camp is Back!

    Research and Education Facility 2710 North Star Road Columbus, Ohio 43221   Will there be off-site camp ...
