
Search results

  1. Short Season Corn vs. Commonly Grown Corn Hybrid Maturities for Planting in Ohio

    ratings of 2056 to 2450. The ultra-early hybrids were the same across sites within each year (Table 1). ... harvest moisture, test weight, and partial return were conducted. Data were combined across sites ... associated with greater yields across site years. In mid-May planting dates, the yield increase associated ...

  2. Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Harvestmen (also known as daddy longlegs)

    spiders have 6–8 eyes. Photo courtesy of MaLisa Spring. Role in Biological Control Harvestmen are ... enemies with a diversity of prey as well as nectar and pollen resources. Photo courtesy of MaLisa Spring. ... Photo courtesy of MaLisa Spring. Life Cycle Most harvestmen mate to reproduce but a few species are ...

  3. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting

    University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. Kobayashi, T., ... Penn State University Extension. (2023, June 19). Slugs and their control [Online article]. ...

  4. Traveling with 4-H Teens

    in the trip. Photo Release: Gather this for all individuals or make it known that photos cannot be ... a photo release included on it, so additional photo releases are not necessary if that form is used. ... needed to prepare prior to the trip (presentation, research, flyers, handouts, etc.) What to pack Make ...

  5. Kiwifruit and Hardy Kiwi (Kiwiberries) Oklahoma State University. “Kiwifruit Production in Oklahoma.” 2017. Written by Julia Whitworth ... hardy kiwis on the plant. Photo by Will Hastings, University of New Hampshire. Limited research has been ... in grocery stores It is very high in vitamin C, but is not cold hardy in Ohio. Photo by Gary Gao, The ...

  6. Protecting Pollinators While Using Pesticides Pacific Northwest Extension article about reducing bee poisoning from pesticides:  ... flowering plants across ecosystems.  Honeybees are an example of pollinators. Photo by Dr. David Shetlar, ... because the location for use listed on the label may not be attractive to bees. Ensure that the site and ...

  7. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries

    cherries are softer than sweet cherries. Photo: hexe_babajaga, Pixabay Sort cherries carefully and place ...

  8. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    fields, parks, commercial sites, and sod farms use a shovel, spade, or knife to collect the turf sample. ... progression of symptoms. Make sure the samples are clearly labeled to note different sites and different ... diagnostician. Place the form and photos in a plastic bag to prevent moisture from damaging the papers. Place it ...

  9. Feral Swine in Ohio: Managing Damage and Conflicts

    in Ohio Figure 1. Feral swine. Photo courtesy of USDA Wildlife Services. The feral swine population ... difference between domestic and feral swine based on appearance alone. Photo courtesy of USDA Wildlife ... under ideal conditions, can have 2 litters per year with an average of 6 piglets per litter. Photo ...

  10. Make Sure Your Load Is Secure Merckle, C., & McLaughlin, D. (2011). How a Loose Load Can Ruin Your Day.  Ohio Safety ...
